Da Hong Pao Tea: information you need to know


The world of tea is quite astonishing with some rare and exclusive varieties, which provide a luxury experience from the daily ones.

The expensive, exclusive and luxury tea varieties are incomplete without the mention of Da-Hong Pao tea. It enjoys the reputation of being the most expensive tea in the world after being valued around $1.2 million per kg.  Many jaws will drop!

Native to the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian province of China, it has been declared a national treasure for its rarity. Da-Hong Pao is a type of oolong tea with its history dating back to the Ming Dynasty. The name translates to ‘Big Red Robe’ in English. The best tea comes from the mother trees, only six of which exist on the planet, which itself declares its rarity.

As per a legend, the Chinese emperor of the Ming Dynasty donated his robe to get a jar of this tea to cure his ailing mother, thus the name Da-Hong Pao.

Surprisingly, about 20 grams of Da-Hong Pao tea from the mother plant was sold for approx $30,000 in 2005, which sets the highest auction record. Accurately, it is a variety of the Camellia sinensis tea plant, the wild variety of this species. There’s no history of anyone bringing this to the cliffs of Fujian for cultivation by farmers. It has naturally adapted to the rocky cliffs of the Wuyi Mountains.  

It’s distinct flavor is due to the particular climatic condition of this area. The rocky, iron-rich soil lends unique minerals to the plant during its growth course. Other types of oolongs are also grown in this reason, which are also known for their distinctive mineral-rich flavor and called cliff-tea.

Three categories of Da Hong Pao: Mother tree Da Hong Pao, Purebred Da Hong Pao, and Commodity Da Hong Pao.

Taste the finest Da Hong Pao tea by Cashla Tea.
